EOFY Superannuation

Payments for superannuation deductions must be submitted, paid and received by fund prior to 30 June 2017. For further information go to this link:...

Unregistered BAS service providers

The TPB is now focussing attention on a new project to address unregistered BAS service providers. As part of the second phase of the project, BAS agents who were registered during the transitional period but have not renewed are now being investigated To provide...

Reference numbers for Tax payments

If you need to make a payment to the ATO, make sure you’re using the right payment reference number as there are different accounts for BAS and income tax, each has its own unique payment reference number.   You can find the right payment reference number for...

Government tax cuts

Tax has been increased by the Australian Government from the 32.5% tax threshold $37,001 – $80,000 to $37,001 – $87,000.The tax tables have changed for employees who earn over $80,000. You need to download the updated tax tables from ato.gov.au/tax tables...